Chandigarh will now get North India’s first dog park as proposed by VP Singh Badnore, the administrator of Chandigarh and the Governor of Punjab. Badnore had reportedly asked the civic body authority to delve into this project recently. He met municipal commissioner KK Yadav, and directed him to work on a dog park in Chandigarh.
According to the Chandigarh municipal corporation, the proposed dog park has been planned to be set-up in the southern part of Chandigarh. For now, the area in Sector 43 in the city has been tentatively chosen for this project. An area of about 1.5 acres in Sector 43 is being examined, and other modalities are being finalised.
The dog park in India was first set-up in Hyderabad. It has been equipped with amenities like dog training and exercise equipment, two lawns, an amphitheatre, loo cafe, splash pool, separate enclosures for big and small dogs, and so forth. As of now, there are only two dog parks in India–one in Mumbai and another in Hyderabad.
Meanwhile, for canine lovers in Chandigarh, having a dog park to walk in the open air with their pet pooch is a pleasant development to look forward to.